The End is Nigh… Or is it?
There is no question that our earth’s natural disasters have taken on biblical proportions. Are we, as some folks say, facing biblical times as purported in the book of Revelations? The first time the world was destroyed it was by flood, as depicted in the story of Noah’s Ark. The next time the world will supposedly be destroyed by fire. Did people think the Cold War was gearing up to fulfill this biblical prophecy? And what about North Korea? Are we as a nation being forced into a war of nuclear weaponry?
Throughout our history, this is not the first time people have wondered how long mankind can continue. What about Y2K? People stockpiled food and water and prepared for the worst. And what happened? Nothing. People prepared for the end of the Mayan calendar. Both 12/21/2012 and 1/20/2017 came and went, and life as we know it continued.
The point is, there have been several times that people thought our world was leading toward destruction and it hasn’t happened yet. So what is a reasonable response or reaction to all that is happening around us today? Live your life. Living in fear or dread will not add a single minute to your life, but it will significantly reduce the quality of the time that you have. I don’t know about you, but I have lots of things I plan on getting done before I leave this planet. I intend to keep moving and plowing through my to-do list regardless of the chaos in the media.
My goals are to use my time, energy and resources to live my life the way I was meant to, doing the things that bring joy to my heart, and I hope, to the hearts of others. I want to make this world a better place. I plan to help my fellow brothers who are being impacted by the storms and keep on keeping on. One can never be sure of what tomorrow holds. The best I can to do is keep living my life the best way I know how.